Publish Custom JavaScript for Websites 2 v2.3.0

xcv58’s blog
Published in
1 min readOct 29, 2015


This is a major release. Because I introduce base.js to provide some (it’s actually one function now, I’ll add more) basic functions.

Those functions can help you inject JavaScript codes more effectively.

For example, in my previous blog: Hide Quip’s sidebar automatically. If you use the extension below version 2.3.0, you need to inject 50 lines codes:

But now you just need three line:

The good part is that you can use the customjsReady to observe any DOM element. For instance, you can remove unwanted ads, adapt position for certain element, automate boring operations, etc.

Special thanks to Ryan Morr! He wrote a great blog about Mutation Observers and gives permission to use his codes in this extension.

Don’t hesitate to comment or shoot me an email if you have any question.

